Have you ever told someone, "I'll be praying for you!"
and then promptly forgotten as soon as you walked away, hung up the phone or
received your newest text message? I have. The Lord arrested my
attention about that once and it has transformed the way I view prayer ever
Zero Gravity: Weightless Prayers
Sometimes we don't believe our prayers carry much weight with God.
Let me explain. Here is one of the most common prayers we recite today: '"Thank-you-Father-for-this-food-bless-it-to-the-nourishment-and-strength-of-our-bodies-and-bless-the-hands-who've-prepared-it-in-the-name-of-Jesus-Christ-Amen!" (Or some derivative thereof). Like some sort of speed race. Translation: "Let's get this formality over with, so we can get to the good stuff. I'm hungry!" Saying "grace" over every meal can become a tradition in which we no longer even think about the words we say. If we're not careful, we no longer mix faith with the words we speak. And that's a dangerous place to be. Our words become diluted and powerless, because they lack genuine, heart-felt belief.
One time in prayer I kept hearing the phrase, "I'll be
praying for you" repeat in my mind over and over again. I was
convicted on the spot for having said that to someone without following
through. I lobbed the phrase like a platitude goodbye, without giving it
much thought. The next thing I heard from the still, small voice of the
Holy Spirit within was: "Whenever you tell someone that you will pray for
them, think: ‘The Almighty God is intervening on your behalf through my
intercessory prayer for you.’ Imagine God Himself literally moving
around circumstances and situations in people's lives to assist
them." Suddenly, prayer became active and real for me!
Not that I didn't pray before. I did! Often. But
now I started mixing faith with my prayers. I actually started to expect
God to move in people's lives and in my own life in powerful ways. And
guess what happened? He did!
Shower Power
Shower Power
I’d be in the shower praying for someone one morning and later
that same day, I’d receive an excited phone call, email or text message letting
me know that God had miraculously moved in their lives to change a heart or
situation. Praise God!! To this day, I still hear that
feedback. Why? Because when you actually believe to see your
prayers answered – you do! Hebrews 11:6 says, "But without faith
it is impossible to please him: for he that comes to God must believe that He
is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."
These are what I call dangerous prayers: ones where you've found
out the will of God and you actually believe that He will do what He
said. Why are these prayers dangerous? Because they work!!!
(James 5:16). That scares some people. Because if things really
changed, then what would we do? Our paradigms could come crashing down and
we would have to interact with this living, breathing God, or ignore Him at all
costs. That is terrifying, especially if you think God’s a bad guy.
Fear Underlies Faithless Prayers
Some people don't like dangerous prayers. For some, it's way
more comfortable to pray wishy-washy, low-risk prayers, like "Lord,
if it be thy will, let me be healed. But, if not, then thy will be
done." Sounds pious, doesn't it? But, as one
minister put it best: "so, in other words, why are we praying?"
If the outcome is predetermined no matter what, why even bother? If
our prayers don't move the heart of God, or more accurately, move things in
us so God can move through us, then why pray?
I want to camp on this for a moment.
Wishy-washy prayers assume whatever happens, good or evil, is
God's will. That is simply not true. If God perpetrated evil, then
God would be an abusive Father (which He is not!). We don't think of it
like this, but every time we say: "maybe God doesn't want us healed,"
or "maybe God wants me broke," or "maybe God wanted my relative
or friend to die," or after a series of failed relationships we
think, "maybe God just wants me single forever," - we are besmirching
His character!!! God is a GOOD God! Bad does not equal good.
Most people aren’t brass enough to say outright “God killed your friend” or
“God hates people.” But that’s what we imply when we say "you
never know God's will…" or “God is mysterious, His ways are not our ways
(insert negative connotation).” Too many of us are dying the slow
death of disappointment, because we don’t know who God really is. We
have been afraid our prayers are just wishful thinking, because it would crush our hearts if
something doesn’t work out like we want or expect.
But God is not the taker! He is the Giver. He
is not the great withholder. He says, "No good thing will I
withhold from those who walk uprightly."(Psalm 84:11).
God doesn’t make us guess at His will. He says: Be
not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is." (Ephesians
5:17). “God is not tempted of evil, neither tempts He any
man." (James 1:13). And, “Beloved I wish
above all things that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul
prospers." (3 John 2).
Too often we forget that we have an enemy who seeks to steal, kill
and destroy our lives - and that enemy is not God! "The devil
walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour." (1
Peter 5:8).
Let me be honest with you. I wouldn't trust a 'god' who
makes me sick. I wouldn't trust a 'god' who wants me defeated. I
wouldn't trust a 'god' who wants me broke and begging. (On the contrary,
King David said, "I once was young and now am old, yet have I not seen the
righteous forsaken or His seed begging bread.") I wouldn't
trust a 'god' who killed my family members and friends. You know why I
wouldn't trust in that god? Because that god matches the description of
the 'god of this world' - the devil. The devil is a liar and the father
of it, and he seeks to 'steal, kill and destroy our lives.' But
Christ is come that we might have and enjoy life, and live it more
abundantly. (John 10:10). The devil has seduced far
too many people into believing that up means down, bad means good, and that
God, the Healer, is the one Who makes you sick. That is a lie. Satan,
the great accuser, is the great abuser. Not God.
God is For Us
Hear this Truth:
Hear this Truth:
God is Light and in Him is no darkness at all. (1 John 1:5).
God is Love… (1 John 4:8)
God is Good (Psalm 136:1)
God is Just… (2 Thessalonians 1:6)
God is Healer (Exodus 15:26)
God is Provider (Philippians 4:19).
God's Mercy Endures Forever (Psalm 136)
God is NOT a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19)
Costly in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints
(Psalm 116:15)
(*The death of the Lord's faithful is a costly loss in His eyes.)
It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make a helper fit
for him (Gen 2:18)
For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that
he might destroy the works of the devil. (1 John 3:8)
Get the picture? Sounds different from a god who wants you
dead, broke, sick and alone. Someone does, but not my God! God
destroys that which destroys you. My God wants you raised to new
life, prosperous, healed and well, and He wants you to know that you are NEVER
alone, even to the end of the age.
I write today to tell you that your prayers move mountains. I
didn't say it. Jesus did! When you believe in your heart and
pray with your mouth, you get whatever you say (good or bad). (Mark
11:23-24). So pray what He prays and see His results. Right
in the middle of that terrible situation you are in right now. When
everything is falling apart is not the time to pray an "I hope this
works" prayer. It is the time to pray in faith (“Hey,
God! Move in me, rearrange me, resurrect my heart and life!”), and
watch God move mightily in impossible circumstances.
Over and over again, He promises He will! He says:
So Why Do We Pray?
Contrary to popular belief, prayer is not just a
pleasantry. Prayer is a battlefield where families and lives are won
or lost. Your life, and the quality of it, hangs in the
balance. God has made up His mind. He wants you whole,
prosperous of soul, and excellent in every way. Always. For
Eternity. How about you? Will you let Him? Will YOU
give a Loving God permission to intervene on your behalf?
It’s time to pray like a Loving God will answer our prayers for
Saying "Grace" Takes on a Whole New Meaning!
Saying "Grace" Takes on a Whole New Meaning!
Today, even when I pray over my food, I infuse my prayers with
faith. I don't just pray, "Lord, bless the ingredients to the
health of our bodies." I pray, “Lord! Awaken in our
hearts life and laughter, and reawaken love. I pray for fruitful
conversation around the dinner table and hearts open to receive what the Lord
has prepared for us, meal and all. I pray for hearts open to give to
one another the spiritual food we crave...in moments of silence by the
candlelight, in meaningful laughs and thoughtful exchanges. I pray
for a softening of hearts. I pray life in all of its fullness would
manifest and be magnified at this dinner table.” Now that, my
friends, will stir up your faith! Suddenly the mundane becomes
Be joyful in hope; persevering in tribulation; continuing
instant in prayer. ~ Romans 12:12.
Now I want to pray over us...Lord, Revive our
hearts, Quicken our dead dreams to new life. Restore hope. Paint our
mess into a masterpiece. Let impossibilities fall before
our eyes. Breathe new life into the desert places of our
souls. Renew and restore the joy of our
salvation. Raise our expectancy in You. Thank
you for families swept into healing, callings made clear,
and complete renewal and transformation in
2016. I pray for a deluge of your Power and Love that
would wash over us, so even the skeptics would be brought to their knees by
your Love and say that You are God. In the name of Jesus
Christ, the name at which every knee must bow in Heaven and Earth and beneath,
I pray: Amen!
Hello Allie. So good to know you through your profile on the blogger and the blog post. I am also glad to stop by your blog post and go through it which is so well presented and worth following as you have backed it with biblical references. I am blessed and will be using it in my preaching on one of the sundays. I am a Pastor from Mumbai, India and love to get connected with the people of God around the world to be encouraged, strengthen and praying for one another. I have been in the Pastoral ministry for last 36 yrs in this great city of contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reach out to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the brokenhearted. We also encourage young and the adults from the west to come to Mumbai to work with us during their vacation time. We would love to have you come to Mumbai with your friends to work with us during your vacation time. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede. Looking forward to hear from you very soon. God's richest blessings on you,your family and friends. Wishing you also a blessed and a Christ centered New year.
Blessings to you, Pastor. Thank you for your kind words, and Praise God for His words reaching your heart! I am honored by your prayers. Please know that you are in my prayers also. Thank you for reaching out, Diwakar. God bless you with exceedingly beyond all you could ask or imagine. (Eph 3:20). In Jesus' name. Amen.
Allie! Nikki and I are sitting here on a dark quiet morning before our baby wakes up and we God to talking about the presence of the Holy Spirit. Naturally, we said, "Allie was one of those people who was just so connected." And then we were like, where the heck is she?! Googled you and found this post. Just wanted to say Hi and say that we hope everything is working out the way God planned it for you. Are you still in Billings, Missoula, YWAM? We are in Bozeman but my job situation fell through so we are now in a transition period again. We are praying that we make the right decision for what to do and where to go next. That's life. :) All the best Allie!
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